Water Well

Water is Life Itself.
Water is one of the basic needs of living beings, and it is also the most important natural resource. Approximately 70 percent of the world is covered with water.
97% of the existing water consists of salt water in oceans and seas. The remaining 3% consists of fresh water that meets the needs of living beings. This 3% of water is not distributed equally on earth.
The Adventure of Water in Africa
In Africa; in Chad, drinking water, performing ablution, and cleaning are not easy at all. Accessing water and keeping it clean after accessing it are major problems.
People who cannot easily reach water have to walk for kilometers to find water. Families with a little more means use animal-powered vehicles called tankers.
They deliver water to their homes with these tankers. The fact that the tankers are made of iron, old, neglected, and rusty also shows that they are not very healthy.
In this way, the water that reaches its destination is transferred from the tanker into the earthenware containers from which they drink water.
After transferring the water they will use for drinking to these earthenware containers, they use the remaining water for cleaning by filling it into barrels, which are usually located outside the houses. The stagnant water, the unhygienic nature of the containers used for storage, and the very hot weather invite diseases. Of course, the water obtained in this way cannot be used for complete cleaning. Because they cannot always bring the water.
Can you guess what the pitchers in the picture above are?
In the picture, you see the fountain in front of a mosque. Those who come to pray perform ablution from here and then go to the mosque.
The water is brought here in the same way by human or animal power.